Ghoruob Asal Zugspitze Berlin Abstrakt


Here you`ll find a selection of my Nature Photography.

I always enjoyed walking in Nature and most of the time I found a special Place or subject to take a photo of.

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Here you`ll find a selection of my Close up Photography.

Details in Photography are very important to me.
Here I tried some experiments, double exposure, collage and some more.


Mountains - Hike

A few Impressions of our last trip to the Zugspitze.

One oft he unique Places in Germany to Hike is the „Reintal-Route“ to the highest Mountain of Germany- the Zugspitze.



A good Mix of Subjects and Photography techniques.

In this place you´ll find some Photos out of the other categories.
A few more experiments, Black and White photography, surreal arrangements, double exposure.